Carlitos VI Barber

Start cutting hair at the age of 16 when my father asked me to trim his hair for the first time in my life. By the second stroke I already knew that I was born for this. In 4 months of cutting under the clothesline I did my first cut in a barber shop and there my life changed forever! Finding my spot in the barber world in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands where I was raised. I started implementing art on the haircuts and I was getting better and better. 17 years in the game I decided to move to Florida with my family. There I began to go to several barber expos and today, a year in Florida I can say that am a 3 time Freestyle champion, part of team Hevie and now ambassador of JE-Line!! God has been so good to me, and with hard work I can see his grace and I am thankful for that. My story has begun one more time and now am aiming even higher!! Follow me on IG @carlito_vi_barber Love alone
